Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Texas A&Sam Houston State

I dressed Ari all up in Aggie gear for Justin's parent's visit this week. When they showed up at our door, she was wearing a white and maroon A&M onesie, maroon A&M shorts and maroon A&M booties.

I gave her to her grandparents (who are both from Sam Houston State) and went to finish brushing my hair. When I came back out, my beloved aggie daughter had been converted. Check out the picture.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby and Doggies

Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do! I've been in Dallas for a couple of weeks, and that was a bit of an adventure. Anyway, here's a little pic I snapped this morning on my phone - Ari is fascinated with these dogs!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dancing Baby!

I cheated a bit. She didn't actually GET herself into this position. But boy, does she love it there! I put her hands on the bars and she just started DANCING! Check out those moves! She certainly didn't get 'em from me! Swing those hips, baby!! Yeah!

Bragging on Justin Again

He's just so talented! He doesn't know I'm blogging this one, and he probably wouldn't approve because it's "not finished," but the main part is done. It's just so hilarious I had to share it!! It's called "Productivity."

Sunday, July 13, 2008


That's right, folks! My daughter is officially CRAWLING! It's not much right now, just a few inches to grab a toy before she rolls back over to her back, but it's definitely not long now before I have a fully mobile child! Ari and I are headed to visit grandparents for a week in Lubbock. I'll bet that by the time we get back, she's a movin' and a groovin'!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Husband is Awesome

Justin is signing up to be an illustrator with iStockPhoto, a cheap stock site where he can submit illustrations for download. I just had to brag on him a bit, he created an image today for his application and I thought it was just hilarious.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Where is it? I have no idea.

Justin, while holding a can of beans and twisting his hands: "Where's the scrapey-McOpener-pop thingy?"

Me: [staring]"...the can opener?"

Justin: "Yeah."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Talking Baby

Ari and I love talking to each other. It's probably her favorite game in the entire world. I got a bit of a conversation on video while she was naked after a particularly messy (albeit very exciting) lunch of carrots and broccoli.

When it was over, I picked her up and took her to the computer, where we watched the video. It was then I discovered that possibly the second greatest game in the world, besides talking to people, is talking to yourself while watching yourself talk to people.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ari's First True Head Bonk

...and it was Mommy's fault!

I was holding Ari on the hip walking through the front door of our apartment when she suddenly leaned forward. I was too close to the frame, and she hit her head - hard - on the wood. I waited...3...2...1...SCREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAM! We got a frozen bunny out of the freezer and I tried to comfort her - heaven knows how much head injuries hurt. She's fine now but she's going to have a nasty bruise, possibly even a bump, right above her left eye.

As you can see from the photo, it's obviously bothering her quite a lot now.