Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Grandparent Visit

Justin's parents visited yesterday and today. Ariana is not only the first grandbaby on either side of the family, she's the first girl on Justin's side. It was just Justin and his brother growing up, and Grandma Linda has been REALLY looking forward to finally having a little girl to spoil! So far she's doing a bang up job. ;)

They got to hold her and coo over her. She's a big hit and, by her grandfather's confession, "Much cuter than Justin when he was a baby." ;) They agree with the midwife that she has my lips but Justin's dimples.

Grandparents brought with them Christmas presents for everyone (including a present for our computer...don't ask ;), especially Ariana, who now officially has something to wear at every stage of life until she's 3 years old. :) It was a good visit and I'm glad they were able to come down, as both grandparents start back to work tomorrow and wouldn't have otherwise been able to see her until she was several weeks old.

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